Đĵed medεw íâη Mūηíâb Íâssă Nedĵem-Mä'ąt
Words spoken by

íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă öíâ ηetý ćhâdeb Mä'ąt ĥěs'ä
Hail to you oh one who executes fierce Justice!
íä'εw ŕă ηetý fěqûεw ąqû'ä em-díâ íâsfetý
Praises to the one who rips righteously through evildoers!
ĥăŕoaŕ ĥeră p'ä íâsfetý ăŕě íěfedă•șeηă em ηerεwt
Roar upon the evildoers so that they flee in terror,
ăŕě ηâηâ-spεw•șeηă ąηâη ŕă kheröp•weηă bâgesεw ąηē
so that they never return to bring us harm again!
ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw öíâ ηebet âη ŝhąεt dĵōsεret
We call to you oh Lady of sacred terror,
sedĵŭm wąbwě•weηă serwεdĵ weηă öíâ ηebet âη ąqû'ä
hear our plea and strengthen us, oh Lady of righteousness!
ćhēmes•weηă em seηŭηεwt tep-ŕedεwý f'äεw•ekă
We bow in reverence before your Splendour...
íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă ș'äεwě âη ŕămmetj ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw
Hail to you defender of humanity, we call to you.
ș'äεw•ekă sebăkhet âη ćheηεw•weηă ŕě-mŭη íōderō bíâη
You guard the gate of our dwellings and keep evil at bay!
öíâ ηetý măketě ŝhεw'äwă gerεw öb'äqûě
Oh one who protects the vulnerable and innocent,
măketě•weηă em ąηkhă seŝhem•weηă ŕă sâkhet íâ'ärεw em möt
Protect us in life, and guide us to the Field of Reeds in death.
emă tεw wεη•weηă em sūfēεη gerεw íâm'ätě
With you we exist in mercy and grace.
em-b'äĥ•ekă biâη băŝhetj d'ä em ĥōrō gerεw ηerεwt
Before you the evil, rebellious ones tremble in fear and terror!
díâ•weηă târă íâkhεwă dw'ä kesεw
We give reverence, worship, praise, and honor (obeisance),
ĥeră ŕeη•ekă dĵōsεret ŝhōpes ηetjerý
upon your holy name and divine image,
öíâ ș'äεwět dĵōsεret mä'ą âη ąηkhă âηeb
oh holy and true Defender of all life!
öíâ M'äfdet f'äεw wεŕŕet âη ĥek'äwεt
O Magnificent Mafdet, Great One of Magic,
íâkhă tεw wiη ηekhet öíâ wεŕŕet ηetý dăŕer bíâη
may you be victorious oh Great One who drives out evil!
öíâ ηetjerεt wεret âη neĥ'ä ĥer
Oh great Goddess of terrifying countenance,
sătεwer ŕă-dĵer•weηă kheftýεw
Frighten all of our enemies,
ōder ćhesý kheftýεw reqûεwt
Drive away all vile opponents and disease,
hâref b'äεw•weηă k'äεw•weηă íâbεw•weηă
and heal our spirits, our souls, and our hearts!
s'äkhă•weηă k'äεw emă ąηkhă ηēĥâĥ
Bless our souls with eternal life,
ăŕě íâkhă•weηă íä'εw•ekă âη dĵet
so that we may praise you forever!
ōg'äē•weηă dw'äεwt dĵed íä'εw râkâĥ ōíâdíâ
We chant hymns, say praises, burn incense,
ōíâĥý seŝhiŝhet•weηă șikhíâ mŭηíât•weηă
ring our sistrums, clang our cymbals,
șikhíâ tjebtjeb•weηă ōíâĥý Dâfεw•weηă
beat the dombek, play our Dafs,
ōíâĥý ěsâŕetē•weηă âηă tεw M'äfdet wεret
and play our instruments for you Great Mafdet!
díâ•weηă âĥetep gerεw kesεw ŕă tεw M'äfdet
We give offerings and obeisance to you, Mafdet!
em ŕeη•ekă wąb ąqû'ä dĵōsεr debeĥ•weηă Ámūη
In your pure, righteous, and holy name we pray, Amen!
íâηŭη mä'ą
Truly it is so!
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