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Showing posts from August, 2021


  The Book of the Going Forth by Day, chapter 15, contains hymns to Ŕεą (Ra). This is one of those hymns translated into English with the Classical Egyptian transliteration on top. I hope you enjoy this hymn to Ra from the "Book of the Dead." :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: íâηedĵ-ĥer•ekă Ŕεą em wŭbeη•ekă Íâtŭm Ĥöŕ'äkhtý Hail to you Ra, in your rising, Atum Horakhty. dw'ä•íâ tεw ηeferεw•ekă em íârtý•íâ I worship you, your beauty in my eyes, âkheper ōä'khεw•ekă ĥeră ŝhŭηebεt•íâ your light unfurling upon my breast. widĵ'ä•ekă ĥetep•ekă em meskătet You go, you rest in the Night Barque, íâb•ekă ōä'εw em mąηădĵet your heart is lengthened in the Day Barque, weηŭη•ekă ĥeret em ĥōtep you travel about the sky in peace. sōkher kheftýεw•ekă ĥer-âηebεw Cast down your enemies, every one! ōheη âη•ekă íâkhemεw-wεredĵ the untiring stars rejoice of you, dw'ä tεw íâkhemεw-sŭkεw the undying stars worship Thyself. ĥetep•ekă em ä...