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Showing posts from June, 2021


Hymn to the goddess . Original text by Mūníâb Íâssă NedĵemMa'at Đĵed medεw íâη Mūηíâb Íâssă Nedĵem-Mä'ąt Words spoken by íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă öíâ ηetý ćhâdeb Mä'ąt ĥěs'ä Hail to you oh one who executes fierce Justice! íä'εw ŕă ηetý fěqûεw ąqû'ä em-díâ íâsfetý Praises to the one who rips righteously through evildoers! ĥăŕoaŕ ĥeră p'ä íâsfetý ăŕě íěfedă•șeηă em ηerεwt Roar upon the evildoers so that they flee in terror, ăŕě ηâηâ-spεw•șeηă ąηâη ŕă kheröp•weηă bâgesεw ąηē so that they never return to bring us harm again! ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw öíâ ηebet âη ŝhąεt dĵōsεret We call to you oh Lady of sacred terror, sedĵŭm wąbwě•weηă serwεdĵ weηă öíâ ηebet âη ąqû'ä hear our plea and strengthen us, oh Lady of righteousness! ćhēmes•weηă em seηŭηεwt tep-ŕedεwý f'äεw•ekă We bow in reverence before your Splendour... íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă ș'äεwě âη ŕămmetj ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw Hail to you defender of humanity, we call to you. ș'äεw•ekă sebăkhet âη ćheηεw•weηă ŕě-mŭη íōderō bíâη ...


  This is an invocation to Anubis based on the Egyptian writings of coming forth by day. I am quite fond of doing this invocation on a daily basis as I feel it is a good declaration of my purpose and intent when it comes to my spiritual practice. I hope you enjoy it! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Íâηepεw Invocation :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: íâη qûem sebet ĥer•íâ find no wickedness in me dĵed•íâ bíâη dĵer•íâ tep t'ä I speak no evil things while I am upon the earth mä'ą âη medεw íâεw wεdĵą the truth of words is weighed íâb•íâ wεdĵą ĥer mąkh'ät wεr my heart is weighed on the great scales medεw•íâ ηeferεw ηeb âη kh'äεwý speak fairly of me lord of night íâm khet•íâ íâηepă Let not my body decay s'äεw em b'ä•íâ íâη ŕedíâ b'ä•íâ Protect my soul, do not allow my soul ηeĥem m'ä•íâ em ηetjer kherεt to be taken from me in the underworld sedĵ'ä b'ä•íâ sekhŭη ĥeηą ä'khεw depart my soul and dwell together with the blessed dead mä'ąkhrεw ĥe...

Daughters of Sun

dw'ä Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū | dw'ä Äu'set🔥 Praise Hathor! Praise Isis! Original music and prayers by: Mūηíâb Íâssă Nedĵem-Mä'ąt Hathor Prayer in mdw ntr (Egyptian) transliteration (by Mūηíâb) with English translation: Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη Mä'ąt Hathor of Righteousness Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη ĥeret Hathor of heaven Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη gerăĥō Hathor of the night/darkness Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη herεw Hathor of the day Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη ä'khεwâ Hathor of goodness (all good and beautiful things) Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū âη sebăkhet Hathor of the portal/gateway mârý âη ąηkhă Beloved of Life Ĥεwt Ĥoŕū íâmý ηebew Hathor who is "The Golden One" (an epithet of Hathor) ⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖⚖ Isis/Auset Prayer in mdw ntr (Egyptian) transliteration (by Mūηíâb) with English translation: Äu'set săηēhes em íâbεw•weηă Isis, awaken in our hearts wŭbeη em ĥōtep Rise in peace wŭbeη em ηeferεt Rise in beauty ηetjeret âη ąηkhă Goddess of Life íä'ewεt tεw mârý âη Ō'sírě Blessed art thou, beloved of Osiris wεŕŕet âη ĥ...


  Some of you may not know this, but I used to compose soundtracks and various indie music. Music happens to be my first love! After I was given the task of learning Ancient Egyptian and compiling a practical spoken form of Egyptian, I thought perhaps one day I would bring my musical composition talents to bear and create some songs for the ηetjerεw. That day has finally come! I hope you enjoy this music. I have the words in the lyric video, and I am also including them below: Sekhmet Dedication Song Đĵed medεw íâη (Words spoken by) Mūníâb Íâssă NedĵemMa'at :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The song begins and ends with the chant: s'ä sekhem sąĥŭ And the Egyptian mantra: íâb•íâ dw'ätý Sekhmet em târă My heart gives praise to Sekhmet in veneration :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Spoken dedication hymn: íâηedĵ ĥer Sekhmet Hail to Sekhmet ηebεt ηesărεt Lady of Flame ηebεt dešher The Red Lady măwt âη ηekhăηεw s...