Hymn to the goddess . Original text by Mūníâb Íâssă NedĵemMa'at Đĵed medεw íâη Mūηíâb Íâssă Nedĵem-Mä'ąt Words spoken by íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă öíâ ηetý ćhâdeb Mä'ąt ĥěs'ä Hail to you oh one who executes fierce Justice! íä'εw ŕă ηetý fěqûεw ąqû'ä em-díâ íâsfetý Praises to the one who rips righteously through evildoers! ĥăŕoaŕ ĥeră p'ä íâsfetý ăŕě íěfedă•șeηă em ηerεwt Roar upon the evildoers so that they flee in terror, ăŕě ηâηâ-spεw•șeηă ąηâη ŕă kheröp•weηă bâgesεw ąηē so that they never return to bring us harm again! ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw öíâ ηebet âη ŝhąεt dĵōsεret We call to you oh Lady of sacred terror, sedĵŭm wąbwě•weηă serwεdĵ weηă öíâ ηebet âη ąqû'ä hear our plea and strengthen us, oh Lady of righteousness! ćhēmes•weηă em seηŭηεwt tep-ŕedεwý f'äεw•ekă We bow in reverence before your Splendour... íâηedĵ ĥer•ekă ș'äεwě âη ŕămmetj ąŝhě•weηă ŕă tεw Hail to you defender of humanity, we call to you. ș'äεw•ekă sebăkhet âη ćheηεw•weηă ŕě-mŭη íōderō bíâη ...