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Some of you may not know this, but I used to compose soundtracks and various indie music. Music happens to be my first love! After I was given the task of learning Ancient Egyptian and compiling a practical spoken form of Egyptian, I thought perhaps one day I would bring my musical composition talents to bear and create some songs for the ηetjerεw. That day has finally come! I hope you enjoy this music. I have the words in the lyric video, and I am also including them below:
🐆🔥Sekhmet Dedication Song🔥🐅
Đĵed medεw íâη (Words spoken by)
The song begins and ends with the chant:
s'ä sekhem sąĥŭ
And the Egyptian mantra:
íâb•íâ dw'ätý Sekhmet em târă
My heart gives praise to Sekhmet in veneration
Spoken dedication hymn:
íâηedĵ ĥer Sekhmet
Hail to Sekhmet
ηebεt ηesărεt
Lady of Flame
ηebεt dešher
The Red Lady
măwt âη ηekhăηεw săηebεw
Mother of youth and healing
șep tepý ĥemεt
Wife of Creation
feηεkh pεw ter•eșă sekhem
She who is wise and strong
mâtj'ä•íâ ąηkhă•íâ em•ekă
I dedicate my life to you
mâtj'ä•íâ íâb•íâ em•ekă
I dedicate my heart to you
mâtj'ä•íâ dw'ä•íâ em•ekă
I dedicate my worship to you
Ōíâ! wεŕŕet em pŭt
Oh! Great One in Heaven
ĥemsíâ ĥεwăt k'ä•ekă tep t'ä
Inhabit your Ka Chapel on Earth
ĥemsíâ dw'ä•íâ ân•ekă
Inhabit my worship of you
ηebεt wεret âη ηesărεt
Great lady of flame!
díâ•íâ šhârom seηεb ηēĥâĥ
Grant me peace and health for Eternity
dw'ä•ekă merý Sekhmet
Praise to you beloved Sekhmet!
The following is spoken at the end of the song:
díâ wεret ηetjeret ηehem
Thank you great goddess
íâηŭη mä'ą
Truly it is


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